Temporary Residence and Renewals
Foreign nationals may also come to Canada for temporary periods of time. These include visitors or tourists, workers and students. All persons applying must satisfy an officer that they will return to their home country after their authorized period of stay ends when they are applying.
Visitor Visas:If you are not from a Visa Exempt country, we can assist you in applying for a Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) on your behalf if you belong to a country which requires a temporary visa for a family visit, coming to Canada for a business meeting or training or simply visiting as a tourist.
Student Permits:Our firm can represent you to the government with respect to your wish to study in Canada. An offer of admission amongst other things will allow us to file a Student Visa Permit on your behalf. Many issues need to be addressed in the application including proof of available funds to sustain you throughout your education will be needed in order to obtain these permits.
Work Permits:There are many types of work permits available to foreign nationals under both the Canadian Immigration Protection an Protection Act (IRPA) and its Regulations (IRPR) and various international treaties.
Some of these permits are known as:
In most cases an LMIA will need to be applied for on behalf of the company offering the job. However, there may be some situations where exemptions exist such as Temporary Resident Permits.